Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lessons we have learned from Suits. Read all about it here

Lessons we have learned from Suits. Read all about it here 5 Life Lessons we’ve learned from 'Suits' Life is made up of fascinating and memorable moments. We get to learn so many things from different spheres of life, some are learned from the streets, and others are learned from books and few from experiences. All we need to do is just pay little attention to these experiences. You can gain knowledge about social and business confidence from USA Network’s Suits. The wake of pain caused by retained emotional wounds can be taught by Sopranos and the breaking bad teaches you about pride and limits of loyalty. The following are the list of 5 lessons you can acquire from Suit: 1) Recognize Your Character: In the show Suits, Harvey is known to be proud, bold and charming. He is a man who recognizes his worth and doesn't allow what people say about him to discourage him or pull him down rather he utilizes their negativity to his advantage. How to apply this in your life? Have this at the back of your mind that the world perceives you from your own point of perception. If you see yourself as a failure the world will see and treat you as a failure that has nothing good to offer to them, this is why it is of good importance your carry yourself with a lot of dignity. Don’t be easily swayed by other people opinions about you. If someone provides you a reason to re-adjust your opinion or direction, reflect that in private and not in the open. Make your decision in a relaxed state of mind, rather than accepting their opinion in the moment because it sounds good. 2. Your Appearance: In the first episode of Suits, Harvey stated: â€Å"People react to how we’re dressed, if you want to be addressed as a king you may need to dress in notable regalia or else you will be addressed as a slave if you dress otherwise. For you to be the person you want people to address you as; you need to begin taking steps to doing things that will depict you to others the way you want to be addressed. So like it or not this is what you ought to do. The way you dress your body and move your body - your body language - provides a path for others to know your intention. 3. Be focused on getting solutions: At an early scene, Harvey asked Mike, his apprentice fake lawyer, â€Å"What choices do you have when someone places a gun to your head?† Mike replied him that he will do exactly what he is being instructed to do. Then Harvey responded with this golden nugget of a line: â€Å"Wrong! You either take hold of the gun, or you pull out a bigger one for yourself and you can do any one of the hundred and forty-six other things.† Having this kind of mindset Harvey said enables you to stay focus and not wallowing in depression. Rather it gives you room to be a solution provider for yourself and for others and this contributes to you gaining recognition and respect from others. 4. Try to maintain a strong eye contact: When you do this it shows your level of confidence and enables the person you are with to know how engrossed you are in their situation at the moment. A strong eye contact can be maintained between your clients, families and of course attractive women. 5. Believe in yourself: Harvey best quality was the faith he had in himself; he was so confident about his resources mentally, abilities and his dispositions. Harvey said it is better to ask for mercy rather than permission because if we depend on other people to accept or organize our next steps in life, we will never know what it means to grow or triumph over issues of life.

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